Tuesday, September 4, 2012

आरक्षण का औचित्य वह दुष्परिणाम

आज आरक्षण राजनैतिक दलों के लिए वोट पाने का एक अस्त्र बन चुका है, और हर राजनैतिक दल इस अवसरवादी व तुष्टिकरण कि राजनीती में निपुण है, आज कि राजनीती के मायने बदल चुके है, एक कालखंड ऐसा था जब राजनीती देश हित के लिए की जाती थी, परन्तु आज राजनीती सिर्फ अपने स्वार्थ सिद्ध करने का साधन मात्र है,
जब आरक्षण लागु किया गया था तो सिर्फ १० वर्षों के लिए किया गया था, परन्तु उसके बाद से कभी भी इसे हटाने कि बात नहीं कि गयी, यदि पिछले ६५ वर्षों में इस आरक्षण से किसी का भला नहीं हुआ तो अब ये समझने का समय आ गया है कि, ये तुष्टिकरण का प्रयोग विफल हो चुका है,
परन्तु हमारे नेतागण अपने वोट बैंक के लालच में एक वर्ग के लोगों के अधिकारों का दोहन कर उनके अधिकार दुसरे वर्ग के लोगों में बाँट रहे हैं, जो कि अन्याय है, लोकतंत्र कि परिभाषा ये है कि हर व्यक्ति को समान अधिकार होते हैं, परन्तु भारत के बारे में समझ नहीं आता कि ये कैसा विचित्र लोकतंत्र है जहाँ की सरकार खुद अपने नागरिकों के बीच भेदभावपूर्ण व्यवहार करती है,
मित्रों इससे पहले कि मैं आरक्षण के औचित्य कि बात करूं, आइये जरा पिछड़ेपन कि परिभाषा भी देख लें,  मैं हमारे नेताओं के जितना ज्ञानी तो नहीं हूँ, ना ही किसी विदेशी युनिवेर्सिटी में पढ़ने का सौभाग्य प्राप्त हुआ है, परन्तु मेरे विचार से पिछड़ा व्यक्ति वह है जिसके पास ज्ञान का अभाव है,  हर वह व्यक्ति पिछड़ा है जिसके पास जीवन यापन करने के लिए आवश्यक साधनों का आभाव है, अब यदि इसके समाधान के बारे में विचार किया जाये, तो उत्तर यही निकल के आता है कि ये दोनों ही अवश्यकताएँ धन के जरिये ही पूरी की जा सकती है,  अर्थात देश का हर वह व्यक्ति जो गरीब है, कुलीन है, वह पिछड़ा है,
अब इसके बाद कोई भी ज्ञानी या बुद्धिजीवी मुझे ये बताये कि पिछडेपन का किसी जाती से क्या सम्बन्ध है ?  मैं जानना चाहता हूँ कि किस पुस्तक में लिखा है कि एक सामान्य वर्ग का व्यक्ति कुलीन नहीं हो सकता ? अरे भाई कुलीनता व निर्धनता जब किसी कि जाती व धर्म देखकर नहीं आती तो फिर आरक्षण जाती के आधार पर क्यों ? ये कहाँ का न्याय है ?

अब उदाहरण के जरिये हमारे देश कि विडम्बना देखिये,
सामान्य वर्ग के छात्र को अच्छे कालेज में प्रवेश के लिए जी तोड़ मेहनत करनी पड़ती है और ९०% अंक लाने पर भी उसका प्रवेश सुनिश्चित नहीं होता,  वहीँ तथाकथित पिछड़े वर्ग के छात्र कि सीटें तो भरनी ही है, कई बार तो ऐसा भी देखने में आया है कि २०% अंक वाले तथाकथित पिछड़े छात्रों को भी प्रवेश दे दिया जाता है, वहीँ ७५% अंक लाने वाले सामान्य वर्ग के छात्र प्रवेश से वंचित रह जाते हैं,
एक सामान्य वर्ग का छात्र यदि बैंक में क्लेर्क बनने के लिए आवेदन करता है, तो आवेदन भरने के लिए ३५० रुपये देने पड़ते हैं, वहीँ यदी कोई तथाकथित पिछड़ी जाती का व्यक्ति वही आवेदन करता है तो मात्र ५० रुपये में आवेदन कर लेता है , अब यही सामान्य वर्ग का छात्र यदि परीक्षा में ८५% अंक ले आये तब भी ये सुनिश्चित नहीं होता कि उसे नौकरी मिल जायेगी, परन्तु यदि तथाकथित पिछड़े वर्ग का छात्र यदि उस परीक्षा में  ४०%-५०% अंक ले आये तो उस छात्र को ८५% अंक लाने वाले पर तरजीह दे दी जाती है,  क्या ये अन्याय नहीं है ?

इतने सब के बावजूद भी हमारे राजनेताओं को सामान्य वर्ग के लोगों का शोषण करके शांति नहीं मिली, तो अब ये राजनैतिक दल अपने स्वार्थ के लिए पदोन्नति में आरक्षण लाने जा रहे हैं, यानि कि अगर किसी तरह एक सामान्य वर्ग के व्यक्ति को नौकरी मिल भी गयी, तो भी वो अपनी काबिलियत के बल पर कहीं पदोन्नति लेकर आगे ना बढ़ जाये, इसलिए अब पदोन्नति में भी आरक्षण करने कि तय्यारी हों रही है,
इन राजनैतिक दलों को इससे कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता कि सामान्य वर्ग के नागरिकों को उनके अधिकारों से वंचित किया जा रहा है, इन्हें तो बस अपने लिए वोट कमाने है, भले ही वो इस देश के करोड़ों नागरिकों के अधिकारों कि बलि चढाकर इन्हें प्राप्त हों,
मित्रों मैं आज तक यह समझने में असमर्थ हूँ कि पदोन्नति में आरक्षण का औचित्य क्या है? जब एक तथाकथित पिछड़े वर्ग के व्यक्ति को नौकरी मिल गयी, तो अब वो कहाँ से पिछड़ा रहा? और यदि वो अब पिछड़ा नहीं है तो फिर आरक्षण किस बात का?
मित्रों इस आरक्षण के दुष्परिणाम ये होंगे कि काबिलियत की कोई कीमत नहीं रह जायेगी,  तथाकथित पिछड़ा वर्ग का व्यक्ति इसलिए काम नहीं करेगा कि वो तो कोटे से आया है, और उसे तो हर हाल में पदोन्नति मिलनी ही है, वहीँ सामान्य वर्ग का व्यक्ति काबिल होने के बावजूद कुंठा ग्रस्त हों जायेगा, क्योंकि वह जानता है कि वो बेहतर है ज्यादा काबिल है,  उसके बावजूद उसे पदोन्नति नहीं मिलेगी, और इसलिए वह काम से पीछे हटेगा,  इसका परिणाम ये होगा की अंततः इस देश का ही नुक्सान होगा,  और इन दोनो वर्गों के बीच में वैमनस्य फैलेगा क्योंकि सामान्य वर्ग का अधिकार छीना जा रहा है, तो स्वाभाविक सी बात है कि इसके लिए वे नेताओं और दुसरे वर्ग के लोगों को ही उत्तरदायी ठहराएंगे
मित्रों नेताओं का ये प्रयास पिछडों को मुख्यधारा से जोड़ने का नहीं है, अपितु ये तो एक षड्यंत्र है जो हमारे समाज में द्वेष वह वैमनस्य फैला कर दो वर्गों के बीच कि खाई को और बढाकर, अपना वोट बैंक बढ़ाने का है,  ये वही अंग्रेजों द्वारा अपनाई गयी नीति है “बांटो और राज करो”,  और हमारी भोली भाली जनता इस षड्यंत्र को समझने में विफल है, और इसका परनाम इस पूरे राष्ट्र को भुगतना पड़ेगा

मित्रों खेद का विषय ये हैं कि भाजपा भी इस राष्ट्र विरोधी कदम का विरोध करती नहीं दिख रही है, और संभवतः आगामी लोकसभा चुनाव में इसका फायदा उठाने के लिए चुपचाप इस संविधान संशोधन का मौन सहमति से समर्थन करती दिख रही है,
आज इस देश के राजनैतिक मूल्य इतने गिर चुके हैं, कि सामान्य श्रेणी के अभ्यर्थियों के हितों की बलि चढाकर ये राजनैतिक दल अपनी वोट बैंक कि रोटियां सेंकने का प्रयास कर रही है, परन्तु इन्हें न्यूटन का सिद्धांत नहीं भूलना चाहिए जो कहता है कि “every action has an equal and opposite reaction”,
जो वर्ग आज तक अपने अधिकारों के छिनने के बावजूद शांत बैठा है, अगर उसे और दबाया गया तो इसका परिणाम भयावह होगा, आखिर सहनशक्ति कि भी एक सीमा होती है, और जब वो सीमा पार हो जाती है, तो व्यक्ति अपने अंदर दबे क्रोध को प्रकट करने के लिए बाध्य हो जाता है,

राजनेताओं को ये नहीं भूलना चाहिए कि किसी एक वर्ग के अधिकार छीन कर दुसरे वर्ग को देना अन्याय कि श्रेणी में आता है और एक कहावत है, “when injustice becomes law rebellion becomes duty” अर्थार्थ “जब अन्याय ही कानून बन जाये तो विद्रोह करना मनुष्य का धर्म बन जाता है”
और यदि कोई आरक्षण कि राजनीती करने वाला कोई नेता इसे पढ़ रहा हो तो इतना जरूर समझ ले, कि इस देश का हर व्यक्ति अपना विरोध अनशन करके अहिंसक तरीके से और मोमबत्तियाँ जलाकर नहीं दर्ज कराता, इस देश के लोगों में कहीं ना कहीं एक सुभाष चन्द्र बोस, एक भगत सिंह, एक उद्दम सिंह, एक चंद्रशेखर आजाद, एक राजगुरु और एक मंगल पाण्डेय है
इसलिए अपने भले और देश के भले को ध्यान में रखते हुए नेतागण ऐसी नौबत ना आने दें कि देश के युवा वर्ग को कोई ऐसा मार्ग अपनाना पड़े जो की इन तथाकथित चुने हुए लोगों को बहोत भरी पड़ जाये

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Prime Minister’s Office hits back on team Anna with idiotic logic and shallow arguments

PM’s Office has written a 5 page letter to Team Anna in response to the letter where team Anna levelled serious charges of corruption against 15 cabinet ministers including PM Manmohan Singh, FM Pranab Mukherjee, Law minister Salman Khurshid, Foreign Minister S.M Krishna, Agriculture minister Sharad Pawar, HM P.Chidambaram and others.

Today V. Narayanasamy spoke about the content of the letter and unsuccessfully tried to list the attempts made by government to curb corruption, he also stated that team Anna’s demand to set up an SIT (Special Investigative Team) to probe the charges against 15 cabinet ministers has been completely rejected by government, letter says the allegations against PM is based on leaked draft report of CAG  and on media reports without any substantial  evidence, letter further says “All decisions were taken in public interest on the basis of legal provisions and relevant policy in force.” 

Now taking every word on face value, some basic questions arises here like:-

• Where it is written that leaked draft report of CAG has no significance at all? Is PM office saying that CAG draft report has no value? 

• We want to know if there were no irregularities, and no scam took place then why government is shying away from the matter? Why doesn’t government set up an SIT and let it probe the entire issue so that truth can come out, it will be good for the image of government as well, and if government has done nothing wrong then they have no reason to be scared of any probe? But since they are running away from the issue it only confirms that something is fishy in this entire matter which government wants to brush under the carpet. 

• If everything is done on basis of relevant policy in use how come the coal blocks were given to peoples who have no expertise in the field? How come coal blocks were allotted to people who manufacture underwear and Guthka?  And when these people didn’t start any work on the coal blocks allotted to them within the time limit how come more coal blocks were allotted to the very same people? Now after looking at these facts how can government expect people to believe it is not a scam?
The Minister V. Narayanasamy described Team Anna's assertion that topmost institutions of the country such as the Supreme Court, the High Courts and the CAG had levelled allegations against Ministers from time to time, as “not only vague but unacceptable.”

Here we would like to jog the memory of honourable Minister V. Narayanasamy to some cases 

•  lets take up issue of appointment of CVC chief P.J Thomas and his dismissal by Supreme court and comments of SC on government, lets takes up issue of 2G and comments of Judges of SC on conduct of ministers, not to forget comments of Judges on ministers and government on CWG scam  

•  It was CAG which gave the figure of revenue loss of 1.76 thousand Crore in 2G and figure of revenue loss of 10.7 lakh core in allotment of Coal blocks, 
So whom is V. Narayanasamy trying to fool here by giving such false arguments?  These facts themselves are narrating the entire story, but if V. Narayanasamy is unwilling to accept these hard facts then it itself settles the debate.

V. Narayanasamy further said “Anna is a simple man, but he is surrounded by anti-national elements and people who have been supported by foreign forces.”

Our response is, if he really thinks so then why doesn’t he register the case of sedition against these people and let these charges get probed, why he is not doing anything about it, other than giving statements in media? 

But deep irony of our nation is seditious elements are allowed to do seminars in Delhi and are welcomed by government with open arms, whereas true nationalists are called anti-national elements.

V. Narayanasamy attacking Mr. Kejriwal and Kiran Bedi asked “What happened to the huge sums of money collected during last year's [anti-corruption] agitation?” He also recalled that Ms. Bedi herself faced allegations of bloated travel receipts last year, while describing Team Anna members as a set of “self-proclaimed” leaders, who had not faced elections and yet wanted to destabilise the government.

  • Here we would like to ask him to check the website of IAC where entire details of each and every penny spent is available but on the contrary here we would also like to ask Minister V. Narayanasamy and Congress about the corporate funding that they receive from various corporates, why don’t they reveal the amount and source from where they receive the money and where the money is spent? Does anyone within the congress have any answer to this question?

  • When V. Narayanasamy is making allegations against Ms. Bedi of bloated travel receipts we would like to humbly remind him that Congress has no right to question it because their own party chief Sonia Gandhi has spent 1850 crores of taxpayers hard earned money on 18 foreign trips, whereas Kiran bedi took the money of business class from organisers (NOT TAX PAYERS MONEY) and she travelled in economy class and donated the remaining amount to her NGO in public interest for welfare of children.

  • When  V. Narayanasamy calls Team Anna members as “a set of “self-proclaimed” leaders, who had not faced elections” then a simple advice to him is that first he must look at his own Prime Minister Manmohan Singh who himself is not democratically elected, and we have serious doubt that can he be called as a leader or not?  or does he has any public support unlike Team Anna members ?

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Is Pratibha Patil Obsessed To Prove Herself A Goddess of Mercy ?

First woman President of India Pratibha patil has once again set a new record by offering clemency to 30 coldblooded murderers and Rapists who were sentenced to death by supreme court of India, it seems as her presidential term is coming to an end she wants to leave a mark behind and wants to be remembered as goddess of mercy,

but let’s take a brief look on the issue and some of the cases who are given Presidential pardon by Pratibha Patil 

·       These 30 people who have been given clemency by pratibha patil were found guilty by the Supreme Court of India of barbarically murdering 60 peoples, and 22 of those victims were women and children.

·       A person named Satish raped and brutally killed a six year old girl Vishakha and her brutalized body was found in sugarcane field after this guy raped and killed the innocent child in 2001

·       Dharmender Singh and Narendra Yadav were granted clemency who killed 5 people of a family which includes two sons both 12 years old a 15 year old daughter who was also gang-raped before murder, and their parents.

·       Six other people who are given clemency have killed 4 people, while three of the victims were beheaded and a 10 year old boy was thrown in fire and roasted alive. 

·       Piara Singh and his three sons who killed 17 peoples in a wedding party which includes four children 

·       Sushil Murmu was given clemency who was convicted for giving ‘bali’ of a nine-year-old-boy.

Isn’t it misuse of the power? Families of the victims have fought for years to get justice and we all know pathetic situation of our judicial system, and here is our president who isn’t answerable to any body and she is giving presidential pardon like “prasad” just to achieve the title of most merciful president of India, 
but bitter truth is that such steps not only put a question-mark on our system but also demeans the verdict and judgment of Supreme court and strengthen the view that India is a banana republic, and most ironic part is nothing could be done about it.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Adoption of Censure Motion Against Team Anna is Height of Hypocrisy

A censure motion against Team Anna was adopted today in Lok Sabha for criticizing parliamentarians, motion was moved by Sharad Yadav, and it was one of the rarest moment to watch where entire Lok Sabha was united in favor of the motion, whether its UPA,NDA,SP,RJD etc. this phenomenon reveals an interesting aspect of our political class, that when they abuse each other then they say its merely a low level politics, but when some one who doesn't belong to "elite" political class, criticizes these politicians then entire political fraternity gets united in that case, which clearly means that our political class believes that they are above everything and citizens of this nation have no right to criticize or question them, even if people of nation feels betrayed due to scam after scam, and scams which are only getting bigger day by day, planning commission comes up with a magical figure saying a person earning 28 Rupees a day isn't poor, government has no figures of actual number of people living below poverty line, and yet our political class believe that people have no right to criticize them.

I was watching proceedings of Lok Sabha today and every MP today was sounding as if he is the most honest person every took birth on earth, but if that is the case then who is responsible for the ironic condition of this nation and widespread corruption? every one knows who is the actual culprit, and when citizens point fingers towards their political class this is how our politicians react.

I want to know why is there such duplicity in the approach of political class?
  • When Rahul Gandhi during his UP election campaign says "यूपी मे पिछले २२ साल से भ्रष्ट लुटेरे और गुंडे राज कर रहे है  " then no eyebrows are raised.

  • Subodh kant sahay a Cabinet minister says all MP's are "kamina"(subodh kant sahay abusing entire political class) but no politician makes it an issue.

  • Sonia Gandhi calls Narendra Modi "मौत का सौदागर" and no one opposes.

  • RJD MP Rajneeti Prasad tears the copy of bill on floor of the house and Ashwini Kumar standing next to him does a lame attempt to stop him, and no action is taken.

  • Cabinet Minister Beni Prasad Verma and Manish Tiwari, Harish Rawat etc. uses derogatory language against Anna Hazare but no objections were raised.

  • Baba Ramdev was called a "ठग " and no issue was made by elite political class.

People who are calling statements of Team Anna as attack on our democracy, I want to ask them few questions

  • Where were they when Indira Gandhi acted like a political terrorist and imposed emergency on the nation? was that not attack on our democracy?

  • Which law says that divisive politics is part of a democracy? and if it is not, then why differentiate between people on the basis of cast and religion just for the sake of vote bank? is this what democracy is?

  • Where were these people who are talking about democracy today when Anna Hazare was arrested last year without committing  any crime?

  • Where were these people and their democracy when during Baba Ramdev's agitation midnight crackdown took place and innocent, unarmed sleeping men,women and children were brutally attacked and beaten, tear gas shells were fired in a closed tent and tent was set on fire?

  • Where were these people when separatist and traitors flew down to Delhi for a seminar and openly spoke about breaking the nation and abused the nation,I want to know which democracy allow such practice?

Why do these politicians remember the term "democracy" only when somebody shows them the mirror, and questions them?

I've heard lots of people saying that Team Anna is insulting the parliament and their statements are against the dignity of parliament, I want to ask them few counter questions:-
  • Does this parliament has any dignity left after the midnight "nautanki" which took place in Rajya Sabha few months back on Lokpal Bill?

  • Are these people talking about the same parliament where "Cash for votes" took place?

  • Are these people talking about the very same parliament where bundles of currency notes where tossed on the tables?

  •  A parliament where parliamentarians take money to ask question, does members of such parliament have any right to talk about ethics?

  • Does a parliament where MP's are bought and sold has any right to preach sermon and question others?

  • A parliament where laws are made not by keeping the interest of nation and its citizens in mind, but where laws are made on the instructions of world bank,U.S, multinational companies, Industrialists and head of political parties to meet their interest and goals, could such parliament have even an iota of dignity left that it can be affected?

  • Parliament where its members themselves behave like hooligans,where they use derogatory language towards their fellow members, throw papers, mikes and other stuff at each other, how can they expect people sitting outside parliament to treat them with respect?

  • Parliament where 162 members have serious charges against them, and where there are serious allegations on the cabinet ministers like P.Chidambaram,Vilasrao Deshmukh,Praful Patel,S.M krishna,Farooq Abdulla, Jaipal Reddy, such parliament has no moral right to ask others to check their language.
Parliamentarians must realize that by doing all this "nautanki" they are actually increasing the anger of people of this country, because due to the approach of political class on issues of national interest and huge scams taking place one after another, people of this nation are deeply outraged, and this adoption of censure motion against Team Anna  is seen as height of hypocrisy, people of this country understand very well such political gimmicks and they are not going to fall prey to it, so its high time our political class face the hard reality and stop considering themselves as uncrowned kings of this nation and change their approach towards citizens of this nation and must learn to respect citizens of this country and their thoughts.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Media Trial Of Death Of an IPS Officer

I've been hearing from a long time about the “so called murder” of an IPS officer in MP, and CM Shivraj Singh Chauhan is being presented as killer by media in a media trial, but I think there are some substantial technical questions which needs to be answered:-

  •  How can media be so sure that it was a murder not an accident there hasn’t been any investigation yet, so how did media jumped on conclusion based on mere presumptions without any proof and logic?

  • Those people who are claiming it’s the mining mafia behind this killing, I want to ask them is mining mafia run by a bunch of fools that they will let killer get caught on the spot?So that later he can spill out all the names during investigation?
    This is the key aspect of this case which certainly needs some extra emphasis

  • Now people are saying that IPS officer had been receiving life threats from quite some time and yet he decided to go alone on such serious operation, isn’t it strange? Which IPS officer goes alone without any backup to deal with such serious conditions?

  • There is no denying the fact that illegal mining has been going on in that area but there is also a theory which says, the driver got panicked after watching a police officer trying to stop him, probably he got scared and tried to escape but lost his control and hit the IPS officer by mistake.

why is our media overruling these possibilities and trying to brainwash its viewers, why media itself is giving a verdict on this issue without any substantial proof and logic ? how fare and legitimate is that? Why don't they let law take its own course as now MP government has referred the the issue to CBI so why don't they let the investigation get over instead of giving their own verdict.

I remember a case in which on video policemen aimed and shot innocent and unarmed farmers in Pune who were agitating for water, but even that news wasn’t given such importance, and was soon forgotten by our media, may be the lives of those farmers were not that important or may be because Maharashtra is not ruled by BJP that’s why such issue was brushed under the carpet.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Concept of Compulsory Voting for India

India is known as the world's largest democracy, and the biggest power which citizens have in a democracy is to cast their votes and elect the government according to their choice, but in case of our nation we have observed that large number of people don't turn out to cast their votes, and such situation can't be called satisfactory for any democratic nation, though there could be several reasons behind it like lack of awareness, being ignorant,or may be some people just don't find it important, but people needs to understand that voting is not merely their right but its their duty towards democracy and towards their nation, because when people enjoy the benefits of democracy it automatically becomes their responsibility to ensure that dignity and integrity of democracy is maintained, and for doing so they must execute their democratic and constitutional right of voting, which is given to them by the constitution of the nation, but since we haven't seen much improvement in the voting percentage, some people have started advocating the idea of enforcing mandatory voting, and honestly looking at this I think there is nothing wrong with it.

Yesterday senior leader of BJP L.K Advani also proposed this very same idea but soon people like Digvijay and Azam Khan were quick to jump on the issue questioning it with argument how it can be enforced ? and Azam Khan even went a step further and said "let all Indian nationals have voter-Id cards first, and then only we can think about implementing such idea", now does that means even if it takes about 10 more years to do so still we must wait and let this unhealthy precedent continue? why doesn't he say that no elections should take place unless all Indian nationals are provided with the voter-ID cards? I want to know why shouldn't we implement it for existing voter-ID card holders? and take a step towards strengthening our democratic system, and those who say "how can we enforce mandatory voting?" my simple argument to them is I am no legal expert, but when compulsory voting is enforced in countries like Australia, Argentina, Brazil,Congo, Ecuador, Luxembourg,Nauru,Peru,Singapore,Uruguay and etc, then why can't we have it here in India ? 

Why should the world's largest democracy shy away from making an effort towards empowering and strengthening our democracy? Its high time that we realize that democracy doesn't always means  being flexible in every aspect, sometimes we must take bold steps too, to fortify our existing system and democracy.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Communal Face of Congress

Since past two decades BJP has been accused of being a communal political party, this conspiracy was created by Congress with the collaboration with so called "secular media" and even till today we read and hear so called "intellectual people, self proclaimed celebrities and "Page3 people" referring BJP as communal political party, people like me call such great personalities as "pseudo-secularists","pseudo intellectuals" or in general literate idiots with unidirectional thinking and typed brains who have lost their ability to understand, think and analyze the things by themselves.

I believe facts speak for themselves, so instead of trying to convince the readers I'll just put facts and let them decide, and I am sure after looking on facts one doesn't need to be Sherlock Holmes to figure out who is actually communal, so let’s take a look on past events and present strategy of Congress which will help you decide which political party is actually communal in nature.

  • 1947 Anti Godse Riots: The moment Congress tasted power it started acting as master of nation and Anti-Godse riots was the first example, after assassination of M.K Gandhi goons of congress brutally attacked the innocent supporters of Savarkar and Nathu Ram Godse burnt their properties and thousands of them were sent to rot in jail in Independent India.
    Body of a Sikh who was killed by goons of Congress
  • 1984 Anti Sikh riots: after the assassination of Indira Gandhi goons of Congress decided to avenge themselves with the blood of innocent Sikhs, so they planned 1984 Sikh massacre which was later justified by Rajeev Gandhi who on record stated "When a mighty tree falls, earth around it does shake a little"(for more insight info on that brutal massacre you may check my article Recalling Anti-Sikh Riots 1984). Had it been any other country then after such massacre a political party like Congress would have been banned from contesting all sorts of election and would have been declared a terrorist organisation, but alas the deepest irony of this unfortunate nation is that even today it is ruled by the people whose hands are drenched in the blood of innocent Sikhs.
  • Shah Bano Case: Some of us still remember Shah Bano case in which Rajeev Gandhi reverted the decision of Supreme Court using his absolute majority in parliament, which led to the formation of Muslim Personal law board, creating a different set of laws for Muslims and different law for the people of other religion, today India is the only country in the world which has separate laws for people of different religion, now isn't that communal, undemocratic and unjustified approach for appeasement of a particular community.

  • Haj Subsidy: India is the only country in the world to give Haj Subsidy to its Muslim nationals which was started by Congress obviously for obvious reasons, but there is no provision of any such subsidy for the people of other religion, now isn't it unfair to the people of other religion? Why such kindness only towards the people of Muslim community? Are the people of other religion not the citizens of India? Now isn't that unfair and communal practice started by Congress?

    bodies of Kashmiri Pandits killed in valley
  • Displacement of 300,000 Kashmiri Pandits from 1947-2001: In 1947 out of total population of Kashmir 55% of them were Kashmiri Pandit's and in 2001 there were 0.1% , they were attacked, beaten, some were killed and      forcefully driven out of Kashmir by extremists for making Kashmir a Islamic state, and Congress government being in power that time did nothing to stop such thing, Congress ruled India from 1947-1996 and then from 2004-till date, did nothing to get them resettled, instead they just gave them a refugee colony in Delhi, So those poor people were given the status of refugee in their own country, not isn't it communal approach ?   

  • 2004 Removal of Prevention of Terrorists Activities act (POTA): In 2004 Congress fought election with a conditional promise that if they come in power they will remove (POTA) and they did so after winning, and as a result the number of terrorists attack in the country increased at alarming rate and thousands of innocent lives were lost just to appease the minority vote bank, now who wouldn't call it a communal politics?
  • Turning a Blind Eye towards Love Jihad: By ignoring Kerala Chief Minister who raised his voice against the ongoing Love Jihad but Congress took no action and called his stand as anti secular and took no action against the organisation which perpetrated this conspiracy, just because Congress is afraid to lose their minority vote bank, isn't that highly disgusting and utter communal approach?
  • Execution of Afzal Guru: Congress is intentionally delaying the execution of Afzal Guru who plotted the 2001 Parliament attack, UPA-1 home minister Shivraj Patil instructed Delhi government not to forward the file of Afzal guru, and Delhi Government kept on sitting on the file for four years. Congress is trying to save Afzal guru just to save its minority vote bank, is it not communal politics to appease minorities? 
  • Communal Violence Bill: Last year in May we saw an absurd draft of a bill called Prevention of Communal Violence Bill, which was prepared on the instruction of Chairperson of UPA Sonia Gandhi, who also happens to be the chairperson of NAC(National Advisory Committee) organisation who prepared this draft bill, this bill says that same punishable offense under this law for members of majority community will not be a punishable offense for members of minority community, panel looking into the cases will have members of minority community in majority, complainant can file the complain while sitting in his house, and complainant needs to give statement only once in front of court and identity of the complainant will be kept secret which means accused will not even get to know who filed the complaint against him, this bill  presumes that members of majority community are guilty in every case and says that the accused will be considered guilty until proven innocent(this happens nowhere in the world).(To get more insight info of this bill you may read my article  Prevention of Communal Violence Bill or Communal Discrimination) here you can clearly see that congress is not only pro Muslims but actually Anti-Hindu, and such bills proves that approach of congress is completely biased and it is communal politics to appease minorities.
  •  Andh Shraddha Nirmoolan Kanoon: There is another such drafted bill which is prepared in Maharashtra by Congress led government in state, it’s called "Andh Shraddha Nirmoolan Kanoon" this law prevents the people of majority community to perform various religious practices in their homes like doing "Havan", "Paath of Ramayana" "Katha" and it also says that no pictures of God should be put on public places, now I don't understand what Congress is trying to do? Are they trying to kill Hinduism? What sort of politics is this? Now will they impose "jazya" tax next? Ask yourself is this not a communal politics?
  • Religion based reservations: Last month Congress gave 4.5% reservations to the Muslims in OBC quota, ahead of the elections in 5 states to please minorities, but our Constitution clearly says that one can't differentiate among people on the basis of religion and our constitution doesn't allow such sort of reservation, but Congress went ahead with it insulting the constitution of nation, Religion based reservation is not even illegal but a contempt to constitution, and this is unjustified and completely communal politics.
  • Conditional promise of Increasing religion based reservations: Recently Law minister Salman Khurshid made a conditional promise to minorities of Uttar Pradesh saying that if      they vote for congress and take them to victory then Congress will give them 9% reservations,  now can the Congress itself deny the charge that they are not a communal political party?
  • Irresponsible and absurd statements to appease Minority vote bank: General Secretary of Congress Digvijay Singh keeps on giving irresponsible statements just like few days back he again called Batla House encounter in which Delhi Police Inspector Mohan Chand Sharma lost his life as a fake encounter, although Home Minister himself has denied that charge twice, and rubbished Digvijay's statement, but still in attempt to appease minority votes Congress has given a free hand to people like Digvijay to keep making such absurd statements, now isn't it communal politics ?
It becomes a matter of great concern when a national party in power uses communal politics as a weapon to win elections which is lethal and divisive for nation, we have witnessed one partition due to this divide and rule policy, and the fashion in which Congress is moving ahead with its strategy, at this point of time Congress itself is the biggest threat for integrity of India, and these dirty and filthy tricks of Congress to win elections are pushing the nation on the verge of another division, and if no attempt is made now to stop it then result of this is going to be painful, terrible and extremely dangerous for the nation.


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